
Click on a topic below to get some help:

update profile (surname, tag, profile photo, cover photo)

manage account

change nickname/username

change email address

change account password

manage notifications

request a copy of your data

follow another Artists Club member

connect with another Artists Club member

manage your connections

how to message another Artists Club member

image sizes

how to prepare an image to post

posting images

how to post an image

join a group

leave a group

how to post in a group

reply to a reply in a discussion (i.e. comment on a photo)

edit your reply

how to post to the Photography Exercises group

how to post in the Weekly Creative Challenge group

how to join a zoom meeting

update profile

Your profile can be updated. Go to the icon with your name in the top right hand corner. Select “profile” from the drop down menu.

Then click “edit”.

On this page you can toggle your surname to show on your profile to other members, or be hidden.

Clicking on “change” will bring up options for you to select from.

You can also change your “nickname”. This is displayed on your profile with the “@” symbol. This is used for other members to mention you in comments by typing “@” followed by your nickname.

Click “save changes” when you have finished.

To add or change your profile photo (also known as your avatar), click on “profile photo” and you will have the option to drag your photo or select it from your computer.

Ensure your photo is 300px by 300px or larger.

Once uploaded your image is automatically saved.

To add or change your cover photo, click on “cover photo” and you will have the option to drag your photo or select it from your computer.

Ensure your image is 1950px by 450px or larger.

Once uploaded your image is automatically saved.

Click “view profile” to see your changes. You can also click on the profile or cover pictures to change them.

change nickname/username

Your nickname is prefaced with ‘@’ symbol and can be used in posts by other members to alert you that you’ve been mentioned as a notification will be sent to you.

You can see it on your profile.

To change your nickname, click on your profile image and name in the top right corner, then click “Profile” from the drop down menu.

This will open up your profile page. Click on the “Edit” button on the right hand side.

This will open up some options, including a box for “Nickname (required).

Click in the “Nickname” box to change your nickname and then click “Save Changes”.

manage account

Clicking on your profile image and selecting “account” from the drop down menu will give a range of options to help manage your account. This includes changing your nickname, email address, changing your password, managing notifications.

change email address

Click on your profile image and select “account” from the drop down menu.

Select “login information” and you will have the option to change the email address. Before you can make changes you must type your current password into the top box “current password”.

Type your new email into the “Account Email” box.

Click “save changes” for it to take effect.

There can only be one account per email address, if the email you would like to change to is already associated with an Artists Club account then the system will not allow you to change the email address to it.

When you change your email address an email verification will be sent to your new email address. Your new email address needs to be verified to continue using the account.

change account password

Click on your profile image and select “account” from the drop down menu.

Select “login information” and you will have the option to change the account password.

Before you can make changes you must type your current password into the top box “current password”.

Type your new password into the “Add Your New Password” box. To see your text click on the “eye” symbol to the right hand side.

While the system will allow you to use a “Very weak” password, it is best to use a stronger password which includes lower case, upper case, numbers and special characters.

Re-type your new password in the next box “Repeat your new password”.

Click “save changes” for it to take effect.

manage notifications

There are a number of notifications delivered to your email address or that show on the screen when you are logged into The Artists Club. It is possible to toggle these on and off.

Click on your profile image and select “account” from the drop down menu.

Click on “notification settings”. Then select “preferences”. This shows a list of the different notifications such as when a member mentions you in a post, when a member creates a new post etc.

Each notification has the option to be delivered via an email to your email address, or to be shown as a pop up when you are logged in to The Artists Club.

Clicking on “email” or “web” will turn that notification on or off.

To turn off all notifications toggle “enable notifications” at the top of the list.

Click “save changes” when you are done.

request a copy of your data

You can request a copy of all the data you have created in The Artists Club.

Click on your profile image and select “account” from the drop down menu.

Select “export data”. Admin will review your request and will send you a zip file of the data if the request is approved.

follow another artists club member

The members tab will display a list of Artists Club members. From here you can select the loudspeaker symbol to follow that member.

Or, click on the name of the member you wish to follow. This takes you into their profile and you can select the drop down menu to “follow” or “unfollow”.

connect with another artists club member

The members tab will display a list of Artists Club members. From here you can select the connect button to request to connect to that member.

Or, click on the name of the member you wish to connect with. This takes you into their profile and you can select the “drop down menu”connect” button to request to connect with them.

Once the connection has been requested, the “connect” button changes to say “connection requested”. The other member will receive a notification and has the option to accept the connection request or ignore it.

These same steps will allow you to “cancel request” if you so wish. Hover over the “connection requested” button and it will allow you to “cancel request”.

manage your connections

Go to your own profile and click on the “connections” tab. This will give you the option to view “my connections” and also your connection “requests”.

Connection requests from other members will show here and you have the option to “accept” or “ignore” the request.

message another artists club member

When viewed on a computer, there is a message icon in the top right of the screen.

Click on the icon to open a window with recent messages. At the bottom of this window is the option to “View inbox”, click on it to take you to your messages inbox.

In your messages in box, you will see a list of all your messages. Click on a message to see the conversation with that person and to reply to it.

You can create a new message by clicking on the “pen and notepad” icon.

This opens up a new message. To select the recipient just start typing in the “To:” box.

You will be shown a list of people you can message. Note that you can only message people you are “connected” with. Click on the name you would like to contact.

The name will be shown with the option to remove it by clicking the “x”.

Start typing your message at the bottom of the screen.

To format your text, click on the “Aa” symbol in the bottom right corner of the message box.

This opens up a new set of options in the bottom left corner. Here you can select formatting options such as bold, italic, link, bullet points etc.

Use the “Aa” button to toggle the formatting on and off. When off it gives the option to add an image instead.

If you press “return” to create a new line, it will send the message.

To create a new line press “shift” + “return” at the same time.

You have the option to add a photo to the message, click the “camera” icon in the bottom left corner. If you don’t see this icon, click the “Aa” button in the bottom right corner to toggle back to the camera.

Click on the “camera” icon. In a message you do not have the option to drag and drop your image. A file manage box will open up immediately, just navigate your file system to find your image and click “open”.

Your image will show as a small square when it has been inserted.

When you have finished adding photos or typing, either press “return” or click the orange and white “arrow head” icon to send your message.

When the message has been sent, you will see it appear in your messages list.

When you have a reply to your message (or a new message), you will be notified. You will see the “inbox” icon will update to show the number of new messages. You will receive a pop up notification and/or receive an email to the email address you signed up with, depending on your notification settings.

When you next visit your messages inbox, you will see the reply sitting below your original message.

image sizes

Profile cover image: 1300 x 225px or larger

Profile avatar image: 170 x 170px (minimum)

Posting images in groups, discussions or activity feeds: suggested is 1920px on longest edge, max filesize is 2Mb, preferred filesize is 500kb.

Accepted image file types:

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .gif

how to prepare images to post

Best practice is to resize your images before you upload them. This will save you time with the upload.

We would recommend a compression setting of about 7 or 70%.

File type set to JPEG.

1920px on the longest edge.

Resolution of 72ppi (pixels per inch).

I set up a Lightroom export preset that puts all of these photographs in a folder. Inside that folder I name the ones I am creating so I can find them again later. I put a short cut to this folder in my finder so it is easy to find later.

Included are some screenshots. If you want to copy the settings exactly please do.

posting images

There are different places in the club where you can post your images.

The news feed is a great place to start. Other Artist Club members that follow you or who are connected with you will see images you post to your news feed in their own news feed.

If you’d like some feedback on an image or to share a technique etc. you could post your image in an interest group or an inspirations forum instead if there is one which matches a specific interest you have.

It is best not to post your image in multiple places, such as your news feed AND an interest group, as members following will then have your image appear multiple times in their feed and discussions on your image will not be consolidated. Think about where your image is best suited before posting.

how to post an image

On the news feed page click on “share what’s on your mind” and a dialogue box with pop up for you to type your post.

Click on the camera icon to place an image in your post.

An option to either drag and drop your image, or add it via the file system will appear. Clicking on it will bring up your file manager window.

Select your image and click “open” (unless you are dragging and dropping).

You image is now in the post and you have the option to add more photos.

When you have finished adding your text and images, click “post”.

Your image has now been posted to your news feed.

join a group

There are a selection of groups that focus on a particular topic for example, monochrome photography, abstract photography, or that will challenge you to a particular task. Joining a group allows you to connect with other members who have the same interests that you do and is a place where you can discuss that topic, share relevant images or techniques, seek feedback and ask questions.

To join a group navigate to the groups page. You will see all the groups, scroll to find the one you would like to join and click on the “+ Join Group” button.

You will immediately join the group and the button will change to say “√ Member”.

leave a group

To leave a group, navigate to the groups page and scroll to find the group you wish to leave.

Hover over the “√ Member” button and it will change to say “Leave Group”. Click on it and a dialogue box will open asking if you are sure.

Click on the “Confirm” button and you will have left the group and the button will revert to say “+ Join Group”. You can re-join the group at any time.

how to post in a group

To post in a group navigate to the groups page and scroll to find your group. Click to enter the group.

Once in the group you will land on the “feed” tab. Although there is the option to post something here, it is often best to post in an existing discussion (or, you can start a new discussion).

To do this, navigate to the “discussions” tab.

In “discussions” you will see a list of discussions. To reply to an existing discussion click on the title of the discussion.

Once inside you will see the full post and any existing replies.

To reply, click on the “reply” button to the right hand side.

This opens a box you can type your reply into.

Clicking on the “Aa” button will open up the text formatting options so you can add a link, set your text in bold etc.

When you have finished formatting your text, click on the “Aa” again to revert to the original options.

To add an image to your post, click on the “camera icon”. This will open up a new option to drag and drop an image to the post, or click on the “Add photos” button to select an image from your computer.

Navigate to your image, then click “open”.

Your image has now been added to your post. You can add more images, or click “post” to post your reply.

reply to a reply

Once you have posted a reply, you have a few options. Hover in the top right corner of a reply to see a menu.

The arrow allows you to “reply”, click on it to show a pop up reply box. It shows who you are replying to and includes an excerpt of their post. Write your reply below the line. Click on the “Aa” to show the text formatting options, or the “camera icon” to add a photo. Then click “post” when you are finished.

Once posted the reply will appear nested below the post you have replied to.

edit a reply

Once you have posted a reply, you have a few options. Hover in the top right corner of a reply to see a menu.

Clicking “edit” will open the post box showing your existing text so you can make changes.

If your edits are not just fixing up a typo and will add text to, or alter the existing post, please consider adding the new text as an “EDIT: ” appended to the existing text so that people are aware changes have been made and the thread with any replies will still make sense.

Click “post” when you have finished editing to save the changes.

how to post in the Photography Exercises group

Follow the steps below. Your images should be posted as a ‘reply’ in the relevant discussion.

  1. Select the ‘Photography Exercises’ group by clicking on it.

2. Click on the ‘Discussions’ tab.

3. Click on the discussion you would like to post your images for.

4. Click the ‘Reply’ button.

5. Type your message and click on the ‘camera’ icon.

6. Click the ‘Add Photos’ icon (or you can drag and drop your photos in the box instead and miss the next step).

7. Select your photos from your file system and click ‘open’.

8. Check your text, add more photos if you wish, when you are ready, click the ‘Post’ button.

9. You will see your reply below the original post.

10. To add a caption to your image click on your photo to make it fullsize.

11. Click on ‘Add a description’.

12. Type in your text and when finished, click the ‘Done Editing’ button.

13. The caption can now be viewed when the fullsize image is open. You have the option to edit the description.

how to post in the weekly challenge group

Follow the steps below. Your images should be posted as a ‘reply’ in the relevant discussion.

  1. Click on the ‘groups’ tab. Select the ‘Weekly Creative Challenge’ group by clicking on it.

2. Once inside the group, click on the “Discussions” tab.

3. Once inside the ‘Discussions’ area of the group, find the latest challenge in the list and click on it to enter the challenge. It will be pinned to the top of the list.

4. Once inside the challenge discussion, click on the “Reply” button.

5. This will bring up a text box for you to write your text and use the “camera” icon to add an image.

6. Clicking on the “camera” icon will show a larger “camera” icon and the option to “Add Photos”. You can drag and drop your image into this box. Alternatively, if you click on the “Add photos” icon you will be able to select the images straight from your computer.

7. Navigate to find your image and click “Open”.

8. Your image will appear as a small square in your post. Once you have finished writing your text and adding images, click “Post” to post your reply to the discussion.

9. Your post will appear as a reply to the original post.

10. Once posted you have the option to “Edit”, “Delete”, or “Reply”. To see these options hover your mouse over the right hand corner of the reply. Clicking the “three dots” icon will bring up the extra options, the “arrow” option allows you to reply. Note that in the image below, there are extra options that are only available to admins.

how to join a zoom meeting

We are now able to integrate zoom meetings with our groups! We have added a zoom meeting to our Photographic Exercises Group and it can be added to other groups if there is a group of people who would like to meet to chat about a particular topic at a particular time.

  1. Enter the Photography Exercises Group. There is now a “zoom” menu item.

2. Click on the “zoom” option. The zoom meetings for the Photography Exercises Group are set to occur weekly, every Tuesday at 9.30am (Sydney time). Other groups that have zoom meetings will have them at different times to this.

On the left is a list of all the meetings that are scheduled into the future. Clicking on one of these scheduled meetings will update the details on the right hand side.

On the right hand side is the “Meeting Link”. Click on this link to enter the meeting. Make sure you are in the correct meeting, it will be the one at the top of the left hand side.

3. A new window will open in your browser.

The screenshot below shows it opening in the Firefox browser. A pop up window will appear asking “allow to use your camera and microphone”, you will need these for the zoom meeting so please click “allow”.

Other browsers may also ask to access your camera and microphone but may look different to this.

The screenshot below shows the same screen, but in the chrome browser. It also asks you to allow use of the camera and microphone.

4. It will show the view through your camera, there is time to adjust the view, you can toggle the camera on and off, when you are ready, click the “join” button.

5. If the meeting is in progress, you will go straight in and join the meeting.

If you are early for the meeting, you will see the message like the one below, which will state the date and time of the next meeting.